Professional Email 說明

Delete Professional Email user accounts

You can delete an email user at any time, like if an employee leaves your organization. The email plan will then be available to create a new user.

Once a user is deleted, its contents are no longer accessible. However, you can restore a user within 14 days of the deletion date.

  1. Sign in to your Email & Office Dashboard (use your GoDaddy username and password).
  2. Select Manage next to the user you want to remove.
    Manage button to the right of of Options
  3. Select Delete account.
    Stop sign with Delete account underneath
  4. Select the check box to confirm that you want to delete the mailbox, and then Delete.
    Check box selected and Delete button

Related step

  • To completely delete the email plan, follow these steps to delete products in your GoDaddy account. The email plan, including any user accounts, will be entirely removed and won't be available to create a new user.

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