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Create GA4 Property and Data Stream for Google Analytics

GA4 Property

To get started with using GA4 with our Google Analytics native integration, you'll need to first set up a GA4 property with a Data Stream. This will start the tracking process and send tracking data from your site to your Google Analytics account. Depending on your existing configuration, you'll need to complete one of the following three options:

Option 1: Using an existing GA4 property

If you have already created a GA4 property, you can skip to the Data Stream & Measurement Protocol API Secret section below to make sure your property is ready for connection. When you're ready, you can then connect that property to our native integration.

Option 2: Migrating from a UA property

If you’re currently using a Universal Analytics property and want to start tracking via GA4, we recommend starting with these help articles for guidance on how to complete the migration in your Google Analytics Dashboard. Please note you can skip the tag installation instructions that pop up automatically after you’ve created your GA4 property as this isn’t required for use with our integration.

Once you’ve completed the migration to GA4, you can move to the Data Stream & Measurement Protocol API Secret section below to configure your new property for connection to the integration.

Option 3: New Account

If you're signing up for a new Google Analytics account (or setting one up for the first time), you can follow this guide for setting up a GA4 property and Data Stream for tracking.

Data Stream & Measurement Protocol API Secret

Data Stream

Before starting to track any events from your site, you’ll need to ensure that a Data Stream and a Measurement Protocol API secret have been created so the integration can send tracking data to Google.

To setup a Data Stream you can:

  1. Go to your Google Analytics dashboard and ensure you’re connected to the GA4 property you want to change. You can check that on the top of the page under the All accounts > [username] dropdown.
  2. Then, click on the Admin button (cog icon) at the lower left side of the screen.
  3. Click on the Data Streams option under the Property column.
  4. Click Add Stream and select Web from the dropdown options.
  5. Enter your site’s address into the Website URL field.
  6. For Stream Name, enter “Managed WooCommerce Google Analytics”.

    Note: The Stream Name must match this text exactly in order for the integration to connect correctly.

  7. Ensure Enhanced measurement is enabled if you’d like to track these additional features, and click Create stream.
  8. Note you can skip the tag installation instructions that pop up automatically after you’ve created your Data Stream as this isn’t required for use with the integration.

Measurement Protocol API Secret

With your Data Stream created, you can now configure the Measurement Protocol API secret:

  1. Starting from the Data Stream that you just created*, find the Measurements Protocol API secrets section and click on it.
  2. Click on the Review terms button on the top of the page and click on I acknowledge when you’re ready.
  3. Click on the Create button that can be found in the upper right corner, next to the search field.
  4. Enter “Managed WooCommerce Google Analytics” as the nickname.

    Note: The nickname must match this text exactly for the integration to connect properly.

  5. Click on the Create button again.

*If you aren’t already on the Data Streams page, you can go back and follow the first three steps of our Data Stream setup above and then select the data stream you’ve created for the plugin.

When you've created your new GA4 property and configured the Data Stream and the Measurement Protocol API secret, you're ready to move to connecting your Google Analytics account to your site.

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