Managed WordPress 說明

Push my staging site to the production site

Step 5 of the Get started with staging series.

After making changes in your staging site, you can push those changes to your live production site.

Warning: The sync process will only overwrite your files by default. If you check the box to Overwrite content, the database will also be overwritten. Make sure the content in your staging site is what you want on your live site before you push the changes to production. WooCommerce sites: Familiarize yourself with the WooCommerce update process before pushing content to your live site.
Note: Any custom code or assets that are not stored in the /wp-content folder will not be moved to and from staging.
  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. In your My Products page, next to Managed WordPress, select Manage All.
  3. For the website you want to push the staging site changes to production, select Settings from the Menu icon menu.
    Select settings
  4. Under Staging Site, select the Actions menu and then select Sync Sites.
    Select sync sites
  5. Select Push staging to production. Only select Overwrite content if you want to overwrite the database as well as the files in your live production site.
  6. Select Sync.

Syncing your production site from your staging site may take a few minutes based on the size and complexity of your site.

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