Account Management 說明

Law Enforcement Authority Request for Non-Public Registrant Data

For privacy reasons, personal information contained in registration data is no longer displayed in our public WHOIS. This policy sets forth the general guidelines for Law Enforcement Authorities to request access to non-public registrant data (“NPRD”).

This policy does not jeopardize the fundamental interests, rights, and freedoms of a data subject, consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) or other similar privacy laws. Additionally, this policy is not a substitute for standard legal requests for data such as a subpoena or similar court order.

Key Considerations

  • Validity of Request: The request for NPRD must be submitted by a verifiable Law Enforcement Authority such as a law enforcement agency or government agency.
  • Legal Grounds: The Law Enforcement Authority must clearly demonstrate the legal grounds for qualifying disclosure of NPRD consistent with Article 6 and Article 9 of GDPR or similar applicable privacy laws.
  • Purpose and Proportion: The Law Enforcement Authority must demonstrate that the data is required to address an exigent threat to persons or individuals, investigate existing criminal offenses, or required to satisfy legal proceedings. The request must also demonstrate that access to the data outweighs the data subject's fundamental right to privacy and standard due process.
  • Data Handling of NPRD: You will be responsible for properly disposing of the NPRD within 30 days of receipt or when you can no longer rely on the stated lawful basis; whichever is sooner.

How to submit a request for NPRD

  1. If you wish to submit a request for NPRD, please send your request to
  2. Upon receipt, GoDaddy will initiate an investigation and respond to a request within 30 days of receipt.
    • Requests must only be for current domain registrations. We do not provide historical or archived NPRD through this process.
    • Requests must include the exact domain name under review. We do not fulfill partial match requests through this process.
    • Requests are reviewed and fulfilled on a per-domain basis. We do not provide search results across multiple related domains or NPRD using this process.
    • We will not provide any additional contact details aside from the following NPRD data: registrant name, address, phone number, and email address.
  3. If GoDaddy concludes, at its sole discretion, that the request has provided sufficient legal grounds and is proportionate, we will send you a WHOIS Access Agreement to sign, and upon signature, provide you limited access to the requested NPRD.
    • If we conclude the request does not provide a sufficient legal basis or disproportionately impacts the data subjects, we will deny your request. In this case, a subpoena or similar court order is the most efficient way to request data.

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