Install a Let's Encrypt certificate on your Web Hosting (cPanel) account
Let's Encrypt 是一種第三方安全性服務,可以提供免費的 SSL 憑證。SSL (安全通訊端層) 可以為進入網站的客戶提供安全的連線。GoDaddy Linux 主機服務帳戶可以使用 Let's Encrypt 憑證,不過需要手動設定 SSL 憑證。
Warning: Let's Encrypt certificates are only valid for 90 days. GoDaddy does not support auto-install on Web Hosting (cPanel) accounts, so you need to repeat this process every 90 days or your website will show a security error.
- Generate your certificate signing request (CSR). Let's Encrypt recommends generating your certificate through Certbot but this is not supported on GoDaddy's Web Hosting (cPanel). Instead, you will need to use a third party client to generate your Let's Encrypt certificate. GoDaddy and Let’s Encrypt do not control or review these third party clients and cannot guarantee their safety or reliability. You can find a list of available options under the Browser section.
- 驗證網域 - 您必須藉由驗證程序顯示您對網域的所有權。您用來產生憑證的第三方用戶端會為您說明各種驗證網域的方法――我們建議您使用檔案上傳驗證或 DNS 更新方式。
- 在 cPanel 內安裝憑證及私密金鑰。
- 每 90 天續約憑證一次 - Let’s Encrypt 憑證有效期間僅有 90 天,在每次憑證過期之前,您都需要產生新的憑證。
Note: As a courtesy, we provide information about how to use certain third-party products, but we do not endorse or directly support third-party products and we are not responsible for the functions or reliability of such products.
- 自動將 HTTP 重新導向至 HTTPS
- HTTPS 是必備的安全性措施
- 您希望由 GoDaddy 為您安裝並維護 SSL 嗎?不妨考慮選購 SSL 託管服務。