Basic & Pro Reseller 說明

How are prices calculated for my reseller storefront?

Retail prices are calculated using percent markups that you set in the Reseller Control Center. Then the prices in your storefront are determined based on the most specific markup.

We recommend starting with a global pricing rule that will apply to the entire catalog of products in your storefront. Any products without a markup or sale price will default to the global rule. If you don’t set a global rule, your prices will default to our suggested markups.

Afterward, you can set markups for product groups or for product tiers, and set sale prices for new purchases or renewals of specific products. The prices that display in your storefront are based on the most specific markup that you've set. From most specific to least specific, the pricing hierarchy is as follows:

  • Sale price for specific product and term (i.e. Deluxe Managed WordPress – 1 Month)
  • Product tier markup (i.e. Deluxe Managed WordPress)
  • Product group markup (i.e. Managed WordPress)
  • Global pricing rule

pricing hierarchy

For example, let's say you apply a global custom markup percentage of 20%. Then you set a markup of 15% for the Web Hosting product group. The price for each Web Hosting product is marked up from their wholesale prices by 15%.

If you set a markup of 10% for cPanel – Starter, a specific product tier under Web Hosting, then your storefront honors the markup of 10% instead. The product tier markup is more specific than the product group markup. The other products in your catalog default to the global markup.

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