Managed WordPress Ecommerce 說明

Google Analytics Tracking: Event Names in Managed WordPress Ecommerce and Managed WooCommerce Stores

Google Analytics can track a variety of different events triggered by the customer on your site. Here's a list of which events are tracked by default and under which circumstances they're triggered. You can also assign custom names to these events in your Managed WordPress Ecommerce or Managed WooCommerce Stores Google Analytics settings.

Note: Our integration will temporarily support the use of both Universal Analytics (UA) and Google Analytics 4 (GA4) properties. Since they track similar events but the names may differ. You can find a list of the different events below based on which property is tracking them.

GA4 events

With the introduction of the simultaneous tracking of both UA and GA4 properties, our integration shows the different events split into sections. More specifically:

Recommended Events

These events are used in Google’s automated reporting in your Google Analytics dashboard. We recommended that you do not customize these events as it can cause this automated reporting to not work as expected. That said, if you’d like to stop tracking for a specific event, you can leave that field blank.

  • Login – Triggered when a customer signs in. The sign in can occur anywhere (wp-login.php, my account page, sign in widget, etc) and it will be tracked. Users are identified as soon as they login and are tracked as that identity until they logout (if you enable user ID tracking).
  • Sign up – Triggered when a visitor registers an account. Hooks into the WordPress registration system and will track registrations anywhere the WordPress registration form is used.
  • Add to Cart – Triggered when a visitor adds an item to their cart, either on a single product page or via an AJAX link on category pages. Hooks into the ‘woocommerce_add_to_cart’ action, so custom add-to-cart links will track as well if they are connected to that hook.
  • Remove from Cart – Triggered when a visitor removes an item from their cart.
  • View Cart – Triggered when a visitor views the cart. This will track even if the cart is empty.
  • Begin Checkout – Triggered when a visitor begins the checkout process, specifically when the ‘woocommerce_after_checkout_form’ action fires.
  • Add Shipping Info – Triggered when a customer selects a shipping method at checkout.
  • Add Payment Info – Triggered when a customer selects a payment method at checkout.
  • Purchase – Triggered when a customer’s purchase has been submitted or paid for. This will track for gateways that immediately complete payment, such as credit cards, or those that place the order for a later payment, such as a “Check Payment” order.
  • Refund – Triggered when an order has been fully refunded.

Custom Events (GA4)

Custom events are tracked using our integration, however, these are not tied to Google’s automated reporting so you may need to adjust your reporting tables in Google Analytics to view this data. You can find more information here. You can leave a field blank if you want to stop tracking a specific event.

  • Logout – Triggered when a customer signs out. Identities are cleared upon logout, so you can accurately track multiple users from the same device/IP if they use different logins and user ID tracking is enabled.
  • View Sign Up – Triggered when a visitor views the sign up (my account / registration) page. Hooks into the WordPress registration form and will track anywhere it is used.
  • View Homepage – Triggered when a visitor views the site’s homepage.
  • View Item List – Triggered when a customer views a list of products, for example the shop page or related products under a single product page.
  • View Item – Triggered when a visitor views a single product.
  • Select Item – Triggered when a visitor clicks on a product in a listing, such as from the shop page or in search results.
  • Change Cart Quantity – Triggered when a visitor increases or decreases the number of units in their cart. This event can be recorded very frequently if visitors to your site tend to have a large number of unique items in their cart. If that’s the case, you may want to disable this event.
  • Apply Coupon – Triggered when a visitor applies a coupon on either the cart or checkout.
  • Remove Coupon – Triggered when a visitor removes a coupon either from the cart or during checkout.
  • Provide Billing Email – Triggered when a visitor provides a billing email on the checkout page.
  • Place Order – Triggered when a customer places an order via checkout.
  • Start Payment – Triggered when a customer starts the payment process. This will only track if you are a using a payment gateway that uses a “Pay” page, such as Chase Paymentech or Authorize.Net SIM.
  • Review – Triggered when a visitor writes a review of a product. This is tracked before spam processing, so if you get a lot of spam, you can consider disabling this event.
  • Comment – Triggered when a visitor writes a comment on a blog post. This is tracked before spam processing, so if you get a lot of comment spam, you may consider disabling this event as well.
  • View Account – Triggered when a logged-in customer views the ‘My Account’ page.
  • View Order – Triggered when a customer views an order.
  • Update Address – Triggered when a customer updates their billing or shipping address, either from their account area or during checkout.
  • Change Password – Triggered when a customer changes their password.
  • Estimate Shipping – Triggered when a visitor estimates shipping from the cart page.
  • Track Order – Triggered when a customer submits the ‘Order Tracking’ form.
  • Cancel Order – Triggered when a customer cancels a Pending order. Paid orders will need to be refunded so can be tracked via the “Refund” event described above.
  • Reorder – Triggered when a customer reorders a previous order.

UA events

Every UA event name sent to Google Analytics can be changed by editing the text field associated with each event. This is useful if you have an existing implementation and want to keep your event names consistent.

  • Signed In – Triggered whenever a customer signs into your site. This event will be tracked whether the sign-in happens at wp-login.php, the My Account Page, a sign-in widget or any other login method. If you enable user ID tracking, once a user signs in, they're identified and will be tracked as that identity until they log out.
  • Signed Out – Triggered whenever a customer signs out. All identities are cleared once the user logs out. If more than one person uses the same computer, but they all use different accounts, this will aid in tracking them appropriately.
  • Viewed Signup – Triggered whenever a visitor views the sign-up (My Account / registration) page. This event hooks into the WordPress registration form and tracks anywhere it's used.
  • Signed Up – Triggered whenever a visitor registers an account. This also hooks into the system WordPress uses for registration. It will track regisrations anywhere the WordPress registration form is used.
  • Viewed Homepage – Triggered whenever a visitor views your shop's homepage.
  • Viewed Product – Triggered whenever a visitor views a single product. This products an event label with the Product Name.
  • Clicked Product – Triggered whenever a visitor clicks on a product in a listing. This includes in the shop or search results. Again, the Product Name is used as the event label in this situation.
  • Added to Cart – Triggered whenever a visitor adds an item to their cart. This gets triggered on a single-product page or a link on category pages that refresh the page with an AJAX request, so events in both those situations are tracked. Additionally, this event hooks into the 'woocommerce_add_to_cart' action. This means that your custom add-to-cart links should be tracked as well. It adds labels for Product Name, Quantity, Category, and Attributes (if the product in question is a variation of a variable product).
  • Removed from Cart – Triggered whenever a visitor removes an item from their cart. This adds a label of the Product Name.
  • Changed Cart Quantity – Triggered whenever a visitor adds to (or lowers) the number of units of a particular product in their cart. Note that this event may show up frequently if your customers tend to have a large number of unique products in their carts. If you're seeing that in your analytics, you can disable this event without issue. Labels added here will be for Product Name and Quantity.
  • Viewed Cart – Triggered whenever a visitor views the cart. This doesn't require there to be anything in the cart and will also track when the cart is empty.
  • Applied Coupon – Triggered whenever a visitor applies a coupon. This can be on the cart page or at checkout. It addes the label of Coupon Code.
  • Removed Coupon – Triggered whenever a visitor removes a coupon. Again, this can be on the cart page or at checkout. This also adds a Coupon Code label.
  • Started Checkout – Triggered whenever a visitor starts the checkout process.
  • Provided Billing Email – Triggered whenever a visitor provides a billing email on the checkout page.
  • Selected Payment Method – Triggered whenever a visitor chooses a payment method at checkout.
  • Started Payment – Triggered whenever a customer starts the payment process. Note that this will only be tracked if you're using a payment gateway that has a separate "Pay" page, so you may not always see these events depending on the payment methods available on your site.
  • Completed Purchase – Triggered whenever a customer's purchase has been submitted or paid for. This tracks for gateways that complete payment immediately, such as credit cards, as well as those that will expect payment to be made later, such as a "Check Payment". Labels for this include Order ID, Order Total, Shipping Total, Total Quantity, and Payment Method.
  • Wrote Review – Triggered whenever a visitor writes a review of a product. Note that this event will be tracked before any spam countermeasures are applied. If you get a lot of spam, you may want to consider disabling this event. The Product Name label is applied to this event.
  • Commented – Triggered whenever a visitor writes a comment on a blog post. As with the review event, this is tracked before spam may be identified. If you receive a lot of spam, safely disable this event. This applies the label Post Title.
  • Viewed Account – Triggered whenever a customer views the "My Account" page.
  • Viewed Order – Triggered whenever a customer views an order.
  • Updated Address – Triggered whenever a customer updates their address (billing or shipping).
  • Changed Password – Triggered whenever a customer changes their password.
  • Estimated Shipping – Triggered whenever a visitor estimates shipping on the cart page. This adds the Country label.
  • Tracked Order – Triggered whenever a customer submits the "Order Tracking" form.
  • Cancelled Order – Triggered whenever a customer cancels any pending orders of theirs.
  • Order Refunded – Triggered whenever an order has been fully refunded.
  • Reordered – Triggered whenever a customer reorders a previous order

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