Managed WordPress Ecommerce 說明

Getting started with Ecommerce Hosting

WooCommerce is an open-source plugin that expands the WordPress application into a powerful and highly customizable online-store. Harness the power of WordPress to create an engaging and successful online presence limited only by your own imagination.

With all of the settings and details for your products organized into clear and easy to understand tabs, this eCommerce plugin makes managing your store a snap. Whether you’re selling products that are physical, digital or both, WooCommerce has you covered.

Built in payment processing is available for leading providers like Stripe and PayPal, as well as accepting credit cards, bank transfers and even Cash on Delivery(COD). Managing your taxes is simplified with automatic tax calculation for major country and state tax rates.

Manage your shipping options with simple tools that use geo-location to auto detect your customer’s address so your tax and shipping costs can be automatically calculated.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a novice or a WordPress guru - WooCommerce is ideal for any store.

Next steps

  1. Install and set up WooCommerce
  2. Add a simple product in WooCommerce
  3. Add an image for a product in WooCommerce
  4. Add a WooCommerce shipping zone
  5. Update the default currency in WooCommerce
  6. Add or update WooCommerce payment methods
  7. Add extensions to Ecommerce Hosting

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