Windows Hosting (Plesk) 說明

Enable website traffic statistics for Windows Hosting

You can view visitor data for your Windows Hosting website once you enable web traffic statistics. Here's how.

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Select Web Hosting, and next to the Windows Hosting account you want to use, select Manage.
  3. In the Settings section, select Server.
  4. Make sure Web Statistics is On. If not, select Manage, toggle Status to On, and then close the Web Statistics dialog box.

    After you enable web statistics, Plesk starts tracking visitor data to your site.

Related steps

  • To view your site traffic statistics, in a browser go to, where is your domain name (like You'll be prompted to log in with your Plesk username and password.

More info

Plesk uses AWStats to track web traffic data: