SSL 憑證 說明

下載 SSL 憑證檔案

Note: Just getting started with an SSL certificate? Begin with Set up and install my SSL certificate.

If you're manually installing your SSL certificate on your hosting account or server, you need to download your primary and intermediate certificates from the SSL dashboard.

如果您無法使用下載 SSL 憑證的選項,表示我們已經為您將憑證安裝完畢。您就不需要按照這些說明操作了!

  1. 前往您的 GoDaddy 產品頁面
  2. 點選「SSL 憑證」,然後點選欲下載之憑證的「管理」。
  3. Under Download Certificate, select a Server type and then select Download Zip File. Your certificate will download to your computer.


Required: To continue manually setting up an SSL certificate, proceed with installing the SSL certificate on your server.