Managed WordPress Ecommerce 說明

Configure Google Analytics user tracking settings

After successfully connecting, tracking will be enabled by default. You can change this setting under Enable Google Analytics tracking. When this option is selected, tracking is enabled on your site. You can disable tracking by unchecking this setting.

When your Google Analytics account is connected, you’ll see the following tracking settings:

Different settings may appear depending on which properties are connected. Also, some properties support specific features, so not all settings below may apply to both the Universal Analytics (UA) property and the Google Analytics 4 (GA4) property.

  • Track Administrators? - By default, things are set up not to track actions by administrators. If you’d like to track these actions, select this option.
  • Tracking Options - These allow you to better customize which tracking options you’d like enabled.
    • Use Advertising Features (UA Only) - Supports demographics and interest reports for remarketing and advertising.
    • Use Enhanced Link Attribution (UA Only) - Supports differentiating between clicks for multiple identical links on a page.
    • Anonymize IP Addresses (UA Only) - Provides compliance with some countries’ national privacy laws.
    • Track User ID - (Recommended) Counts logged in users as one user, even across multiple devices. Requires additional steps in Google Analytics to enable User ID on your property.
  • Google Optimize - Integrates Google Optimize with Google Analytics.
  • Track product list views (impressions) on: - Determine when product impressions should be tracked: on single product pages and/or archive pages (the shop).

Note: If you encounter "No HTTP response detected" errors, you may be tracking more impressions than Google Analytics allows; please remove "Archive pages" from this setting.

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