GoDaddy 說明

Add a CoBlocks Food & Drinks block in WordPress

The Food & Drinks block is a grouping of blocks arranged in a pre-defined pattern to showcase products on your site. You can define a title, description, price as well as add an image in the block.

  1. Open the block editor (Need help opening the editor?).
  2. Select Add block.
  3. From the CoBlocks section, select the Food & Drinks block.
  4. Place the cursor in the Menu title and type the title.
  5. For each menu item, add a title, description and price.
  6. Optional: To use the icons, in the block settings, expand the Item settings and check the boxes for the ones you want to use.
  7. Optional: To add an image, in the block settings, toggle Image.
  8. Optional: To include additional menu selections, continue filling in the blocks.
  9. Once you're finished, select Update to publish the changes.

You can add additional Menu sections by adding a new Food & Drinks block.

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