Domains 說明

About .LAW Domain Names

GoDaddy Registry is the sponsor and backend provider for the .LAW extension.

Who can register .LAW domains?

The .LAW domain name is restricted to qualified lawyers and authorized legal institutions that meet the domain’s eligibility policy. Eligible registrants include:

  • Qualified Lawyers: This varies depending on the region, but generally qualified lawyers pass a bar exam or obtain a license, and then maintain their practice.
  • Law Firms: These are comprised of qualified lawyers. The .LAW domain name isn’t available to support services such as paralegals or transcriptionists.
  • Courts of Law: These are governmental organizations established by law to settle disputes between parties or administer justice in criminal proceedings.
  • Legal Regulators: These organizations, such as bar associations in many countries, are established by law to regulate individuals and organizations providing legal services.
  • Law Schools: These institutions are approved by legal regulators to educate individuals seeking to become qualified lawyers.

Verification of eligibility is an ongoing effort maintained by the registry for .LAW.

Registration restrictions

When registering a .LAW domain, you must follow specific requirements.

  • Must use: 1-63 characters
  • Can use: Letters (a-z characters), numbers (0-9) and hyphens (except in the 3rd or 4th characters of the domain name)
  • Cannot use: Special characters (e.g., & and #)
  • IDNs: Supported


  • Registration length: 1-10 years
  • Renewal length: 1-10 years
    • We'll attempt to auto-renew your domain on its expiration date. We'll park domains after the first failed billing attempt. If the domain isn't renewed within 40 days following expiration, we cancel it and remove it from your account.
  • Backorders: Not supported
  • Transfers to GoDaddy: Supported
  • Transfers away from GoDaddy: Supported
  • Transfers to another GoDaddy account: Supported
  • Domain Privacy: Not Supported
  • Domain Protection: Not Supported
  • CashParking: Supported
  • Contact Updates: Supported


For details on refunds, review our refund policy

Nameserver requirements

  • Must use: 1-13 nameservers
  • Can use: DNSSEC, IPv4, IPV6

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