Managed WordPress Ecommerce 說明

About Customer/Order/Coupon Export's export formats

Required: Customer/Order/Coupon Export is a premium WooCommerce extension included with WordPress Ecommerce Hosting or as a standalone purchase.

Customer/Order/Coupon Export has a variety of different formats in order to export your customers, orders and coupons. Let's look at the different formats.

Built-in formats for exporting customers

To export customers and their information, we have three types of formats that are built-in:

  1. Default CSV format: This is your standard CSV format that will contain all your customer information, such as their name, their email address, their billing information and, if applicable, their shipping information. (Download a sample file.)
  2. Default XML format: This is the same information that's included in the standard CSV format except in XML format. (Download a sample file.)
  3. CSV Import format: Again, this is the same information as the other two formats, although this has been specially formatted for use with our Customer/Order/Coupon CSV Import Suite plugin. (Download a sample file.)

Built-in formats for exporting orders

To export order information, we have four built-in formats:

  1. Default CSV format: This is your default CSV format that will include all the order details. (Download a sample file.)
  2. Default CSV format - One row per line item: This is the same as the above format except that every line item will get its own row. Multiples of the same item in the same order will appear on one line only. (Download a sample file.)
  3. Default XML format: This kind of a file will include all of the order data in XML format. (Download a sample file.)
  4. CSV Import format: This format has been specially formatted for use with our Customer/Order/Coupon CSV Import Suite plugin. (Download a sample file.)

Coupon exports

The plugin also allows you to export all of your coupons, formatted for use with the Customer/Order/Coupon CSV Import Suite plugin. (Download a sample file.)

Create custom formats

You can create multiple custom export formats, which are useful if you need to rearrange, remove, or add columns to your export. Custom formats can be used in your manual or automated exports. You can also add custom meta data and custom static fields to your custom export formats.

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