Turn auto-renew on or off for your registered domains. Auto-renew helps protect your domains from accidental expiration by using the assigned payment method to renew your domains on your behalf.
- 登入您的 GoDaddy 網域組合。(需要協助您登入嗎?找尋您的使用者名稱或密碼。)
- 選取個別網域以存取「網域設定」頁面。
- Under the Renew card, switch the toggle to your preferred setting.
- On: Auto-renew is turned on and the domain will be automatically renewed prior to expiration using the assigned payment method.
- Off: Auto-renew is turned off and the domain will not be automatically renewed prior to expiration.
- 點選「繼續」。
It can take up to 90 minutes for your changes to show in your account.
- 編輯投資組合中的欄位,藉此變更網域的檢視方式。
- 搜尋特定網域,或使用預先定義的篩選器管理網域設定。