GoDaddy 提供的 Microsoft 365 說明


建立 Outlook 備份檔案,以便儲存並匯出電子郵件訊息、聯絡人、行事曆資訊及工作。然後,您即可使用新的電子郵件方案、電子郵件服務或新版 Outlook 匯入備份。匯出內容不含資料夾屬性 (檢閱次數、權限、自動封存設定)、訊息規則、已封鎖寄件人清單等中繼資料。Microsoft 已不再支援 2016 版本之前的 Outlook。

Required: To ensure your entire mailbox is exported, turn off Cached Exchange mode, otherwise the export will only include the last 12 months.
Note: We do not support manual backups or exports of Outlook Data Files (.pst, .ost and .olm).

Select your version of Outlook to see the steps. Not sure which version you have? Find your version in Outlook.

Windwos 版 Outlook

Note: These instructions are for reference only. Our GoDaddy Guides can't help you export data.
  1. 開啟 Outlook。
  2. 點選左上角的「檔案」。
  3. 點選「開啟和匯出」,然後點「匯入/匯出」。
  4. 點選「匯出到檔案」,然後點「下一步」。
  5. 點選「Outlook 資料檔 (.pst)」,然後點「下一步」。
  6. To export the entire mailbox, select the name of the email account and continue to the next step. Or, to only export your calendar, contacts or tasks, select the folder you want to export. You can only export 1 type at a time, so you must repeat these steps to export contacts, calendars and tasks individually.
  7. Ensure the Include subfolders checkbox is selected, then select Next.
  8. 點選「瀏覽」即可選擇 Outlook 資料檔 (.pst) 的儲存位置。輸入檔案名稱,然後點選「確定」。
  9. If you're exporting to an existing Outlook Data File (.pst), under Options, specify what to do when exporting items that already exist in the file.
    Select replace, keep or do not export duplicate items
  10. 點選「完成」。
  11. The export begins immediately unless 1 of the following scenarios apply:
    • When the Create Outlook Data File dialog box appears, enter a password in Password and Verify Password, and then select OK. Otherwise, to continue without setting up a password, leave the password fields blank, and select OK.
    • If you're exporting to an existing Outlook Data File (.pst) that's password protected, in the Outlook Data File Password dialog box, enter the password, and then select OK.


Mac 版 Outlook

Note: These instructions are for reference only. Our GoDaddy Guides can't help you export data.
  1. 開啟 Outlook。
  2. If you're in the new version of Outlook, revert to the legacy version of Outlook. Select Outlook, and then Legacy Outlook. You might have to confirm that you want to revert.
    New Outlook menu
  3. 點選「檔案」,然後點選「匯出」。系統會開啟「匯出為封存檔案 (.olm)」視窗。
    • If you don't see Export, select Tools, and then Export instead.
  4. Select what you want to export. By default, all items are selected.
    • To export any of these types individually, select the checkbox next to each item.
      Choose the export file types and select continue
  5. 點選繼續
  6. Choose where on your computer you'd like to save the file, enter a file name, and then select Save. Your items will be exported.
  7. 點選「完成」。


Outlook 網頁版 (僅限聯絡人)

  1. 登入網頁版 Outlook。使用您的 Microsoft 365 及密碼登入 (此處無法使用 GoDaddy 使用者名稱及密碼)。
  2. 點選頁面最左端的「人員 人員」。
  3. 點選「管理聯絡人」,然後點選「匯出聯絡人」。
  4. 選擇匯出所有聯絡人或指定資料夾的聯絡人,然後點選「匯出」。

Your contacts will be saved as a .csv file, which you can import to other email apps (like Gmail) or other versions of Outlook.



  • 您已將 Outlook 檔案匯出為備份檔案,即可匯入 Outlook
